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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Actually by this moment i should be hitting the road towards badminton hall but some thing urged me to push WPS button on my galaxy...i pulledsummet blanket over my naked torso and srarted to hunt and peck on touch pad like an amatour.....the rush is unstopable and yet its threadless...its not the pain yet not the pleasure, its not the moment yet its not any time either....its not the intoxication yet not the air either. Its a common feeling yet deeply different that yours, its not the opposit of anything yet its not the same either...the wormth of the polyethylene is no where comforting than the wormth i owned from the skin i touched, the fan sounds so much different thoe its the same fan we took comfort...its not that i am missing you that is terrible but the pretension that i am not is desperate. The long cascading hairs sweeping my pleasure and the smooth wrilwind spirilling through, the cyrving arches perfecting Pathogaras geometry would but tempte the god of de-tempion....longing but natural crave that crushed and peeled me into a dot of nothingness is but too strong an emotion that i see u seductive as Aphrodiasc in prime. I know its the same in opposite face that you are trying hard.

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