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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Karmic engineer must have sclupted my destiny with infinite numbers of cogs and gears randomly fitting but always ticking forward. This mschine called life would never stop for refuiling nor for reservices....its a self sustaining machine, perpetually on the run milling just as programmed by the old man. It produces moments and jiffies, extended time and few moons....gifting us the melodramatic aura of romantic ambience. From the ocean of Neptune, she held my soul prisioner in her Aphrodiatic dictation. I remained slave dreaming of her geometry of passion, the highs and the lows, raise and the falls.....the curvatures and the plateoues....the cherry farms and the cheese plants.....the sweetest pastures and the savanas and perries.....perfect safaries, I would dream. Her long cascading hairs falling on its own weight, imitating the queen of Sabah...Cleopatra in essence, she seared me with her love. The unquestioned, unconditional affairs of the human intellect....for which men went to wars and killed another man....Einstine and Shakesphere kneeled equally, Hitler and Christ equally borrowed....Shiva and Buddha all sucked in the vortex.....Rawana raped Sita, Ram weeped, Kinlay did at sun while Helan warred is one cog in this amazing machine, so ruthlessly disposed that it morphosises with defeats human scarecrows  principles and moral dogmas, love defeats crapy hypocrazy religious kings no queens...n9o gods n goddess.......when love happens nothing can stop marriages with happiness and big bangs into another universe......the second universe. When one submits to the blackhole, the other ignites....the ultimate fate of destiny.....for which people went to any length, from six inches to 14  billion light years, seeking the ultimate purpose of life, The Happiness...The Piece of Meat!!!

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