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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The human diaspora is amazing....quitessentally complex. My gray inside the cranium worked harder, lot harder than otherwise.....and I sat over the bottles clearing them one after another....the Dutch started to spin like ceiling fan at 1, only that everything skewed and rolled. The filter and buts made heap like the Rawandan genocide or the great Ethopian famine. I dazed on trying to compose the factor demominating the cubicle. The space filled with the whrilling fume, the raze of lust and high dopamine in blood. I saw everything participating. The sexual inneundoes kept growing, heating like the microven, inside out. The lady shrilled out as the finger ran on her longitudinal counter....erupting somewhere at the great himalayan peaks and dipping through the great canyon.....the chasm of great annihilation.....where the gravity cease to perform and everything floated like zero 'G'. This time g-string snapped and the naked soul danced with utter the pole dancer in the crevice of Bang-cock main. I took a floater and tried to sail away.....but it was like a one way valve. The smoke treated me well....the fermented carbohydrate dehydrated me to absolute dry. The empty bottles teased me own heart and soul betrayed me. The card became thin and light but show continued. The hype got entangled and more diamond got straight from Angelaou, the meeting of the thighs laughed even louder. Shrill, husky and sexy glut-tel performance cacophony in synchronization.....the truth of Buddha germinated even faster as if corn field blushing in April sun. The heavy bearing on her suffocates her, the stubble pricks but the hugely pretension grows on. I saw the falling chairs and heard the creaking Italian woods, yet I kept on with my juice. The tall beer glass never receded and the moment never remained still. The dead meat offered to me remained unattended. Then I took my fork and spoon on my hands and started to dissect them....munching them to sized kima....I devoured them the way I preferred, no inhibition, no s just technical chore at best. I cocked the shotgun, several inches of powder enough to crack rhino's skin. As the beast approached to tear me, with involuntary reaction pulled the trigger. The barrel went burning, the world shook and ended at convulsion of 11000 volts. Like it misfired, the barrel emptied on me.....I lay bleeding. Like the Cleopatra, she stood, like black widow, she devoured and I lay paralyzed.... in concussion. When I opened my windows, Little fingers offered me a towing go...I anchored and waited. Papa......the little angle pulled me home.....

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